Sunday, September 22, 2024


CoM : Jaffari Personal Status law postponed after next elections

CoM : Jaffari Personal Status law postponed after next elections

Baghdad ( The Council of Ministries decided to postponed endorsing the Jaffari Personal Status Law and Jaffari legitimate judiciary till after the upcoming parliamentary elections.The Cabinet reported in a statement received by ”The Cabinet held its regular session chaired by the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, on Tuesday and it resulted in many resolutions related to the Jaffari legitimate judiciary and the personal status law which were submitted by the Ministry of Justice.””After wide discussions there perspectives stood out for voting which are either adopting the law after obtaining the consent from the higher religious authority, Ali al-Sistani, or including the new law within current adopted law or postponing the law till after the upcoming parliamentary elections, and the last one collected most of votes,” the statement added. \END\