Wednesday, September 25, 2024


14 killed, wounded during hostage rescue operation in Tikrit

14 Persons killed, wounded during freeing hostages operation in TikritSalah-il-Din, Tikrit ( About 14 employees, including a member within the municipal council, were killed or wounded when the security forces raided the building of Tikrit municipal council to free the hostages who were kept inside.

Security source reported to ”During the raid operation, the member of the municipal council and one of his bodyguards were killed in addition to five policemen working at the Council while seven other policemen were wounded.”

”All hostages were freed and the security forces managed to kill two of the suicide bombers while the two kidnappers fled away,” the source added.The media adviser within Anti-Terrorism Body, Samir al-Shomali, stated to ”The security forces, which raided the building of Tikrit municipal council, is a force that was trained abroad for such hard missions so they succeeded in killing all the suicide bombers, except the one who detonated his explosives.”

Earlier, a car bomb exploded targeting the building of Tikrit Municipal Council building then two suicide bombers detonated their explosives and other two suicide bombers stormed the building to detain the employees as hostages, thus Salah-il-Din police decided to impose a curfew in Tikrit city and in Beiji district whose police station was controlled by gunmen on Monday morning.