Saturday, September 21, 2024


Al Qaeda to establish new branch in Nineveh, Iraq

Qaeda to establish new branch in NinevehErbil ( The expert of security affairs, Hachi Karkoki, announced that what the so called theIslamic State in Iraq and Sham is establishing a new state named Kurdistan State chaired by Kurdish persons who went to Syria and fought within this organization there.

Karkoki reported in press statement ”The blasts that took place in Erbil and Sulaimaniya provinces are within the terrorist plots that aim at targeting Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.”

“The new terrorist organization will be separated of al-Qaeda organization in terms of making decisions and plans and it will be chaired by Kurdish persons who fought in Syria and returned to Iraq recently,” he added.”The new terrorist organization will take Nineveh province as a headquarter and a base to send the terrorist cells into other cities within Kurdistan Region,” he concluded.