Monday, September 30, 2024


White bloc describes military operations in Anbar as "Iraqis’ battle against terrorism"

White bloc describes military operations in Anbar as "Iraqis\

Baghdad ( The National White bloc described the military operations in the deserts of Anbar province as “The battle of all the Iraqi constituents against terrorism.”

The leader within the White bloc, Aziz al-Mayahi, stated to Iraqi News ( “Terrorism is proud of killing the Iraqis and the clear support by some known countries in addition to the coverage of some politicians.”

“The terrorist groups are trying to find a safe shelter to conduct the terrorist attacks against the innocent citizens and the governmental institutions,” he added.

“The security forces are fighting terrorism instead of the Iraqi people to silence the sectarian calls that aim at dividing Iraq and killing the Iraqis,” he pointed out, assuring that “Each Iraqi must support the security forces to sustain security and stability in Iraq.”