Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraq Oil Ministry, citizens blamed for lack of electric power by Ministry of Electricity

MoE holds Oil Ministry, citizens responsibility of lack of electric power

Baghdad ( The Ministry of Electricity held the Ministry of Oil and citizens responsible for the lack of electric power in Iraq.

A statement by the MoE received by cited “The production of the electric power is about 12 thousand Mega Watts where the demand of the electricity exceeded 16 thousand Mega Watts where most of the generating units produce less than its required production in 25%.”

“The electric power lacks more than 3, 190 Mega Watt due to the lack of oil by the Oil Ministry that has to provide the oil to the generating units in Nineveh, Anbar, Diyala and Basra,” the statement added.

“The citizens did not adhere to our calls over reducing the consumption of the electric power,” the statement pointed out, assuring that “In spite of these challenges, the electric power is off in about 4-8 hours daily.”