Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Baldawi calls Nijaifi to ask for supporting ISF during his upcoming visit to US

Baldawi calls Nijaifi to ask for supporting ISF during his upcoming visit to US

Baghdad ( MP, Mufeed al-Baldawi, called The Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, to avoid sectarian statements and to ask for supporting the Iraqi Security Forces during his upcoming visit to the United States of America.

He stated to “Nijaifi will visit the US soon and we get used that he launches sectarian statements during his visits to foreign countries.”

“Nijaifi represents the supreme authority in Iraq so he should call for supporting the Iraqi Army with arms to be able to confront terrorism,” he added.

Earlier, Nijaifi’s office announced that Nijaifi will visit the US heading a parliamentary delegation to discuss the situation in Iraq and the crisis in Anbar at the end of January./ End/