Saturday, September 21, 2024


Nijaifi criticizes Maliki’s decision to fight terrorism in Anbar

Nijaifi criticizes Maliki\Follow-Up ( The Speaker of the Parliament Usama al-Nijaifi criticized the Prime Minister and the Commanding General of the Iraqi Armed Forces Nouri Al-Maliki for conducting the military operations against armed groups in Anbar without referring to the Parliament.

Nijaifi said in a press interview in Washington “We don’t object the war against terrorism but the Prime Minister acted alone in this case while he was supposed to ask for the approval of the Parliament.”

“We support the tribes’ stance related to backing the Army, but this military operation should not be used for political or electoral benefit since it was started a short time before the elections,” Nijaifi added.

“Fighting terrorism in Anbar should be left for the Sunni community who succeeded in eliminating Qaeda in western parts of Iraq earlier in 2007-2010,” according to Speaker Nijaifi, who noted that “The Sunni fighter.”