Tuesday, September 24, 2024


IS MP: Government works on postponing elections

IS MP: Government works on postponing elections

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Salim Dali, of the Iraqiya Slate accused the government of working on postponing the elections by the military operations in Anbar.

Speaking to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com), he said “The government is trying to disturb the situation such as the situation in Anbar starting from arresting MP, Ahmed al-Alwani, which will negatively affect holding the elections.”

“More than 200 thousand refugees have left Fallujah city which raises the question about the way of holding the elections in this city and the other cities of Anbar,” he added, expecting “Witnessing the same situation of the former elections where they were postponed in Nineveh and Anbar provinces.”