Saturday, September 21, 2024


2 Death verdicts issued against murderer in Najaf

2 Death verdicts issued against murderer in Najaf

Baghdad ( Najaf Criminal Court sentenced 2 death verdicts a convicted accused of murdering her neighbor and her son for robbery charges.The Federal judiciary Authority declared in a statement received by ”Najaf Criminal Court sentenced two verdicts of hanging to death a against a woman that killed her neighbor and her two year son.””The murder threatened her neighbor with her husband weapon, since he works within the security forces, to deliver her the money, when the neighbor refused to give any money the criminal killed her along with her two years son,” the statement added.”The victim told her husband a day before the homicide that the convicted visited her to discover their financial situation,” noting that “All the evidences were available to convict defendant to the crime,” the statement explained.”The defendant confessed all her charges and sentenced to death according to the article (406/1) of the Iraqi Penal Code,” the statement concluded. \END\