Tuesday, September 24, 2024


KA MP calls government to re-draft Budget law to endorse it ASAP

KA MP calls government to re-draft Budget law to endorse it ASAP

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Ishwaq al-Jaf, of the Kurdistani Alliance called the government to re-draft the Budget law and send it to the parliament to endorse it as soon as possible.

In a press statement received by IraqiNews.com, she said “The Budget law sent by the parliament must be amended to correct some of its articles,” noting that “The law draft sent to the parliament has a political feature and do not represent the demands of the Iraqi people.”

“Some political blocs started to use this issue for the electoral propaganda and topple others where the government has to re-draft it and send it to the parliament to endorse it ASAP,” she concluded.