Monday, September 23, 2024


Urgent – Diyala police unit call for rescue

Urgent .... Diyala police unit call for rescue

Baghdad ( The First Brigade of the Federal Police in Diyala province asked for urgent rescue due to running out of its ammunitions after being surrounded by the terrorists in Suleiman Bek area.Security source reported to ”The First Brigade of Diyala Federal Police is surrounded by the terrorists since Sunday noon where they had a long fight.””The First Brigade assured that all the food and ammunition run out and there are many human casualties among the individuals of the Brigade, yet the Ministry of Defense did not send any forces to support the surrounded troops till now,” the source added.The source continued saying that ”The Commander of the First Brigade confirmed that if the military forces did not reach to help them, they all will be killed within two hours where the situation is too bad and they lost many men since they are surrounded since noon.” ”The communications stopped between the Commander of the 1st Brigade and the senior security leaders in Baghdad,” the source concluded. \END\