Monday, September 23, 2024


Officials call to adopt charter of cooperation between the public authorities – non-governmental o

Officials call to adopt charter of cooperation between the public authorities and non-governmental o

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Parliament and the Government in addition to the European Union and the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) called to adopt the charter of cooperation between the public authorities and non-governmental organizations in Iraq.UNAMI reported in a statement received by ”More than (100) persons who represent the leaders of the Iraqi civil society in addition to members of the Parliament and senior representatives of the UN and European Union called up to adopt the charter of cooperation between the public authorities and non-governmental organizations in Iraq.””The charter of cooperation between the public authorities and non-governmental organizations is a policy that aim at promoting the mechanisms of cooperation between the Governmental institutions and the non-governmental institutions on the federal and local levels,” the statement added. The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Nikolay Mladnov, stated that ”The UN is aware that the development will be better when it is implemented through the cooperation among all sectors of the society.” \END\