Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Urgent – Chairman of Anbar Military Council flees

Urgent ... Chairman of Anbar Military Council fleesAnbar, Ramadi (IraqiNews.com) The chairman of the military council of Anbar, Ali Hatim al-Sulaiman, fled of Anbar to unknown destination.

The Head of the Sons of Iraq Council, Mohamed al-Hayis, told Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com) ”Sulaiman escaped from the area of Albo Essaf tribe of northwestern Ramadi by a boat through a river to unknown destination.”

Earlier, the Duliam Clan denied the rank of Amir from Ali Hatim al-Sulaiman declaring that the legislative representatives of the clan in Anbar province are the Governor and the Provincial Council.

”The security forces will arrest Sulaiman according to the arrest warrant issued against him,’ he concluded.