Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdistan Region calls on Religious Authorities, UN to help settle crisis of Budget Law with CG

Kurdistan RegionG calls Religious Authorities, UN to interfere to settle crisis of Budget Law with CGErbil ( Nechirvan Barzani, the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government, held a meeting with all the Kurdish blocs of the Iraqi parliament, the head of the blocs of the Kurdistan Parliament and the Kurdish ministers of Al-Maliki’s cabinet to discuss all the pending issue between Erbil and Baghdad regarding budget and Kurdistan Region’s oil export.

A statement by the PUK reviewed by Iraqi News cited “It has been stated in the announcement that Kurdistan Region is constitutionally part of Iraq and has all the rights reserved to exercise its rights and duties that is given in the constitution, including receiving 17% share of Iraqi budget. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use the lives and the budget of citizens in Kurdistan Region as a pressure card.”

“The announcement insisted on continuing the Erbil-Baghdad negotiations and meetings based on what is written in the Iraqi constitution, despite having other alternatives to provide salaries and needs of its own citizens,” the statement added.

“The announcement calls Al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, to change his illegal and unconstitutional politics as well as send the budget and salaries of the Kurdistan Region as it is a constitutional right to have it,” the statement continued.

The statement assured “The message also demands Al-Maliki to solve Erbil-Baghdad outstanding issues through discussions and negotiations with Kurdistan Region.”

“The announcement concluded by asking the religious clerics, United Nations, the Arab league countries, and the Islamic countries convention to act and use their authority to put more pressure on the Iraqi federal government to release the economic sanctions on Kurdistan Region and the people of the region because what is currently occurring is against the constitution, laws, all the international agreements and the very basic human rights,” the statement concluded.