Saturday, September 21, 2024


Tayfur demands to end policy of economic blockade against Kurdistan Region

Tayfur demands to end policy of economic blockade against Kurdistan Region

Baghdad ( MP, Arif Tayfur, demanded the UN and the international society to pressure on the Federal Government to end what he described as the ” the policy of blockade and pressure on Kurdish people”.Tayfur reported in a statement received by ”Unfortunately it became obvious for everyone that the Federal Government is practicing unconstitutional means against Kurdistan Region where the Government is adopting the economic blockade policy which remind us with the old same history since the Kurds suffered the same situation during the past dictatorial regimes.””We call the US, the European Union, US, International society, The Islamic Conference Organization and the Arab League to use their power to pressure on the Federal Government to end this economic blockade by disbursing the portion of the Kurdistan Region from the State Budget where all problems between Kurdistan RegionG and Federal Government can be settled through dialogue and negotiations,” the statement concluded. \END\