Saturday, September 21, 2024


Violence rates reduced according to UNAMI statistics over death toll in February

Violence rates reduced according to UNAMI statistics over death toll in February

Baghdad ( According to casualty figures released today by UNAMI, a total of 703 Iraqis were killed and another 1,381 were injured in acts of terrorism and violence in February, 2014.

A statement by UNAMI received by cited “The number of civilians killed was 564 (including 152 civilian police), while the number of civilians injured was 1,179 (including 262 civilian police). A further 139 members of the Iraqi Security Forces were killed and 202 were injured (not including casualties from Anbar operation).”

“The political, social and religious leaders of Iraq have an urgent responsibility to come together in the face of the terrorist threat that the country is facing. Only by working together can Iraqis address the causes of violence and build a democratic society in which rule of law is observed and human rights are protected”, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Nickolay Mladenov said.

“Anbar excluded, Baghdad was the worst affected Governorate with 790 civilian casualties (239 killed, 551 injured), followed by Salah-il-Din (121 killed 235 injured), Nineveh (94 killed 133 injured), Babel (53 killed 131 injured), and Diyala (39 killed 96 injured),” the statement added.

“According to information obtained by UNAMI from the Health Committee of the Provincial Council of Anbar, the total civilian casualties in Anbar in February were 298 killed and 1198 injured, with 189 killed and 550 injured in Ramadi and 109 killed and 648 injured in Fallujah. UNAMI has not been able to independently verify these figures nor account for the status of those killed and injured as civilians,” the statement concluded.