Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdistan Region criticizes Maliki’s statements over murdered journalist

Kurdistan RegionG criticizes Maliki\Erbil ( The Kurdistan Regional Government criticized the statements of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, over the murder of the Journalist Mohammed Bidaiwi, by the Kurdish officer of central Baghdad.

A statement by the Kurdistan Region received by cited “The Kurdistan Region expresses the sorrow for Bidaiwi’s murder and condole his family and all the journalist over this accident, wishing the legal procedures to be followed in this case to settle it.”

“While following up this case to keep it in its legal form to avoid the interference of such issues with the political ones where more than 400 professors and the same of journalists were killed and none stated any statement. The Maliki’s statement was as threat to the peace and coexistence among the Iraqi communities where the public should not allow such statements,” the statement added.

“If the political figures consider this issue as theirs, Who would defeat the murder of 5000 citizens of Halbcha, 182000 of Anfal, 8000 Barzanis and 12000 Feily Kurds?,” the statement pointed out.

“We call the judiciary to practice its role in this issue away from the political interference to preserve the intimacy and brotherhood among all the Iraqis.” the statement concluded.ed out.

“We call the judiciary to practice its role in this issue away from the political interference to preserve the intimacy and brotherhood among all the Iraqis.” the statement concluded.