Friday, September 20, 2024


Britain announces supporting holding Iraqi parliamentary elections on time

Britain announces supporting holding Iraqi parliamentary elections on time

Baghdad ( The British Foreign Office Minister of State for the Middle East Hugh Robertson announced his support for holding the elections in Iraq on time.

A statement by the British Foreign Ministry received by quoted him, as saying “On 30 April, Iraq will hold its third Parliamentary elections under the 2005 constitution. The UK government supports the people of Iraq as they participate in the democratic process. We also recognize the vital role of the Iraqi Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) in making this possible by ensuring that the elections are free, fair, and transparent and held on time. It is essential that IHEC is given the freedom to conduct its work, and that its impartiality and neutrality is respected.”

“I remain concerned by the security situation in Iraq, particularly in Anbar province. The UK government supports Iraq’s security forces in tackling terrorism, and in providing a secure environment for the forthcoming elections. Continued national dialogue and an inclusive political process will be essential to achieving Iraq’s long-term security,” he concluded.