Monday, September 23, 2024


Domestic and gender based violence database launches in Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Launch of Domestic  -  Gender Based Violence Database in Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Erbil ( The first Domestic and Gender Based Violence Database was launched in Kurdistan Region. A statement by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) cited “During the last three years, UNDP provided support to the Directorate for Combating Violence against Women. The Directorate is the only regional institution mandated to receive and investigate domestic violence cases and provide services to the survivors. The UNDP support takes different forms that entail the institutional development of the Directorate as well as the long-term capacity building of the staff. The outcome of this initiative demonstrated positive impact on the ground and adequate changes at policy and community levels that offer new opportunities to explore how UNDP and the Ministry of Interior can strengthen their joint efforts to adopt a forward-looking and expanded support to enhance the capacity of the Ministry of Interior.”

“The database is considered a milestone in that it will constitute the only accurate source of information on domestic and gender based violence and inform the regional statistics and polices on issues related to domestic and gender based violence. Staff are trained to effectively and efficiently manage and operationally the database towards the institutionalization of using evidence based information,” the statement added.

“His Excellency, Mr. Karim Sinjary, the Minister of Interior acknowledged and appreciated the strategic partnership with UNDP, highlighting the importance of expanding the current support to different departments within the Ministry of Interior,” the statement pointed out.

“UNDP will continue to provide support to the Ministry, the Directorate and the communities in Kurdistan to ensure that institutional capacities “are in place to respond to those who genuinely demand these critical services”, as stated by Dr. Adam Abdelmoula, UNDP Country Director,” the statement concluded.