Tuesday, September 24, 2024


PUK mulls formation of new Kurdistan Regional Government

Political Bureau of PUK convenes over forming new Kurdistan RegionG

Erbil (IraqiNews.com) Under the supervision of Deputy Secretary General of PUK Kosrat Rasul Ali, PUK Political Bureau convened Saturday, May 10th.

A statement by the PUK received by IraqiNews.com cited “During the meeting, several key issues were addressed including final efforts made during the parliamentary sessions, ultimate visions about formation of the new Kurdistan Regional Government cabinet and the merits of PUK within the cabinet.”

“The results of the survey conducted among the PUK organs regarding some vital issues were also touched upon and some decisions made accordingly,” the statement continued.

“In order to verify the decisions, the PUK Leadership Council is holding a wide meeting this Monday, May 12th, and the meeting will also be concerned with the latest results of the recent elections of Iraqi Parliament and Kurdistan Region provincial councils, the formation of new Iraqi cabinet, united stance of the Kurdistani parties on the basis of mutual democratic process, the deadline of Article 140 implementation and ways of solving disputes between Erbil and Baghdad,” the statement concluded.