Saturday, September 21, 2024


Arab League to convene extraordinary meeting over Iraq security situation

Arab League Chambers - File Photo
Arab League Chambers – File Photo

( Secretary-General of the Arab League, Nabil al-Arabi, decided Thursday to include the serious developments in Iraq on the agenda of an extraordinary meeting, to be convened Sunday, at the level of permanent delegates.

He said in a statement that “he had contact with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari. They addressed the developments of the current situation in Iraq.” He expressed “his deep concern about the escalating wave of bombings and military operations carried out by terrorist groups against the Iraqi civilian population.”

Nabil al-Arabi condemned “ the criminal activities carried out by the terrorist elements of Daash, otherwise known as ISIL or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,” indicating the importance of “the combined efforts of all the powers against terrorism in all its forms, to ward off the risk and to preserve the unity of Iraq, its security and stability.”

He added that “the Arab League supports all the efforts of the Iraqi government to fight terrorism and to extend the authority of the Iraqi state,” calling for “the need to achieve a national consensus at this stage, the serious threaten the security of Iraq.”