Saturday, September 21, 2024


US President Obama moves aircraft carrier George Bush in response to Iraq crisis

The USS George H.W. Bush is being positioned in the Persian Gulf as US President Obama considers airstrikes in Iraq. Image credit - US Navy
The USS George H.W. Bush is being positioned in the Persian Gulf as US President Obama considers airstrikes in Iraq. Image credit – US Navy

The U.S. aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush is being moved to the Persian Gulf in case President Barack Obama authorizes airstrikes in Iraq, CNN reported Friday.

On Thursday, Obama said he was mulling all options on Iraq, saying, “I don’t rule anything out.” His spokesman, Jay Carney, later clarified, saying the president is not considering putting troops on the ground.

It does not mean airstrikes are imminent, but the president is reviewing possibilities as the heavily fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant continue to advance on Baghdad.

According to U.S navy sources, the aircraft carrier Bush deployed from Naval Station Norfolk February 15 as part of the regular rotation of Navy ships in the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf.

The Bush is newest U.S. carrier in the fleet, and the last of the Nimitz-class flattops.

Onboard the Bush are aircraft from Carrier Air Wing 8.