Friday, September 20, 2024


Urgent – More than 288 ISIL elements killed in Salah il-Din, Diyala & Anbar

iraq-soldiersBaghdad ( Security forces have killed more than 288 ISIL fighters in Salah il-Din, Diyala and Anbar Provinces.

Baghdad ( Iraq security forces have killed more than 288 ISIL fighters in Salah il-Din, Diyala and Anbar Provinces. The army has steadily regained control over several towns that ISIL fighters had sized a few days ago.
Security sources stated to “More than 288 ISIL fighters were killed in different security operations in Salah il-Din, Diyala and Anbar.”

This comes as Iraqi security forces continue to fight the insurgents from the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) by launching counter-offensives in several areas.

Iraqi armed forces also said they are gaining the upper hand in various fronts and have achieved victories with the help of volunteers, including tribal paramilitary forces.

The army has driven the al-Qaeda-linked militants from the town of Mu’tasim, located 22 kilometers southeast of Samarra. It also set up checkpoints outside the town of Dhuluiyah, after local tribesmen pushed ISIL forces out of the area.

In Samarra, security forces have reinforced their positions, waiting for the government’s orders to attack Tikrit.

Meanwhile, clashes continue outside Muqdadiyah in Diyala Province where Iraqi armed forces try to prevent the ISIL from capturing the town.

ISIL remains in control of Udhaim, north of Baghdad and is firing mortars at government troops in Baiji.

Over the past days, Iraqi armed forces have been engaged in fierce clashes with the terrorists, who have threatened to take their acts of violence to several Iraqi cities, including the capital, Baghdad.

On Friday, a major Islamic center in Egypt, Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah, issued a fatwa or religious decree forbidding Muslims from joining the ISIL.

Dar al-Ifta Spokesman Ibrahim Negm announced the fatwa, saying the ISIL’s terrorist activities in Syria and Iraq “serve the enemies of Islam.”