Friday, September 20, 2024

Baghdad report: Over a quarter million Iraqi volunteers join fight against ISIL report: More than quarter a million volunteers in Iraq to fight ISIL

Baghdad ( A report prepared by show that more than quarter a million Iraqi volunteers are ready to fight the elements of the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant.

The report shows that after the call of the religious authority Grand Ayatollah, Ali al-Sistani, more than quarter a million Iraqi volunteers ready to fight the ISIL elements.

More than 40 thousand volunteers in Babel, 50 thousand in Dhi-Qar, 30 thousand in Basra, 20 thousand in Maysan, 20 thousand in Muthana, 20 thousand in Najaf, 19 thousand in Karbala, 10 thousand in Diwaniyah and seven thousand in Wasit.