Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maliki refuses to resign in exchange for U.S. air support

nouri-al-malikiBaghdad ( The spokesman of the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki indicated that the latter rejected the condition set by the United States which requires his resignation in exchange for launching air strikes on the terrorist elements of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant by the U.S Air Force.

On Thursday the British Guardian newspaper reported that the spokesman of Al-Maliki, Zuhair Al Nahar, said that ”the West should immediately support the efforts of the Iraqi government forces against ISIL instead of demanding a change in the government.” He stressed that Al-Maliki ” id not use the methods of sectarianism at all.”

The newspaper said that Al Nahar reported to the fourth leg “BBC” as saying, “our focus has to be on urgent matters such as air support, logistics and intelligence information to defeat terrorists who make up a real threat to the stability of Iraq and the region as a whole. “