Saturday, September 21, 2024


Obama ready to send military advisors, conduct “targeted actions” in Iraq

obama-military-action-iraqWashington ( U.S. President Barack Obama revealed his plans on Iraq, declaring his country’s readiness to carry out a “targeted” military action if necessary. Also, he announced that his administration is ready to send up to 300 military advisors to discuss how to train and equip Iraqi forces.

On Thursday Barack Obama declared his readiness to send up to 300 military adviser to Iraq to help the Iraqi army, noting that it will be a “strictly limited military action” if necessary and when there will be a necessity.

Obama called for the Iraqi leadership to go beyond differences, pointing out that there is a deep division between the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds in Iraq. The President stressed the need for the U.S. to reach a solution to the Iraqi leadership to get out of the crisis, indicating that the last two years were the worst and Sunnis have the feeling of marginalization.

U.S. President asked the Iraqi leaders to begin confidence-building measures, and appealed to everyone’s commitment to build a democratic Iraqi state
Concerning the role of Iran, Obama said that Iran can play a constructive role in Iraq if it followed the example of the United States to press for the respect of all parties in Iraq. Obama said that the United States pressed on Iran so as not to encourage the steps that will lead to a civil war in Iraq.