Friday, September 20, 2024


British Jihadist Shunned by Family

Nasser Muthana seen with the black flag of jihad behind him. Muthana, who is British, told his parents he was attending a seminar, but he never returned.
Nasser Muthana seen with the black flag of jihad behind him. Muthana, who is British, told his parents he was attending a seminar, but he never returned.

( A man who is reported to have once had ambitions to be the first Asian Prime Minister of Britain is now shunned by his family after he was discovered in a chilling jihad recruitment video.

Nasser Muthana sent shock waves throughout his family, as his father has claimed his son has betrayed his country. His father, Ahmed Muthana, formerly an orphan who went to Britain at the age of 13 for a better life, feels his overachieving son became brainwashed and then betrayed Great Britain.

Muthana has reportedly put away or discarded all pictures of his 20 year old son, who was a medical student in Cardiff. Despite having offers from several universities, Nasser had not been seen since November when his father gave him money to attend a seminar in Shrewsbury. The former school council member, along with his 17 year old younger brother, had been attending a different mosque prior to the seminar. It has been reported that a cleric, who called for Bashar al-Assad’s overthrow, was a former speaker at the mosque where the two brothers began worshiping.

It remains unclear if Nasser ever attended the seminar that his father claims was a simple, public event. When he didn’t return, his father reported him missing.

Nasser Muthana is seen in the background as a fellow Brit, Abu Bara' al Hindi, encourages others to join the ISIS movement.
Nasser Muthana is seen in the background as a fellow Brit, Abu Bara’ al Hindi, encourages others to join the ISIS movement.

A shocking surprise arrived five days later, when Mr. Muthana discovered his son had flown to Turkey, and shortly thereafter, to Syria. Mr. Muthana thought he’d assumed the worst: He thought his son had gotten married without the family’s approval and was planning to not return. After all, Nasser was frequently described as a kind man who loved helping others. However, when the police called to inform the Muthana family of the video, they stared in horror as they watched their son proclaim that he had fought for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group. His mother fainted after seeing the video, where her son proclaimed he’d follow the orders of ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, wherever he was needed.

It’s unclear to his family why the bright student, who made A’s in school and loved playing rugby with his friends, is now planning to go into Iraq and Syria with his younger brother and what is believed to be a fellow classmate from Great Britain. His younger brother, Aseel, is said to have been a bright student as well, aspiring to become an English teacher. Aseel told his parents he was studying at a friend’s house for a math test, but he never returned.

It’s grown apparent the movement is spreading throughout the British region, as Mr. Muthana himself is growing very concerned that the messages his son is sending will fall onto the ears of other young people who may follow suit.

Abu Dujana al Hindi is shown at left, next to Nasser Muthanna, who now refers to himself as "Abu Muthanna al Yemeni."
Abu Dujana al Hindi is shown at left, next to Nasser Muthanna, who now refers to himself as “Abu Muthanna al Yemeni.”

Though as a father, he wants his sons home as he naturally fears for their safety, he has also reportedly claimed that he would like to see them both arrested for their betrayals. He has already put away photos of his two sons, Aseel and Nasser, who are part of a terrorist movement currently overthrowing the Iraqi government. The movement is condemned by even Al Qaeda.

Social media is quickly showing the exponential growth of the group recently across multiple countries, including Australia, Italy, the United States and even Switzerland, among others.