Tuesday, September 24, 2024


ISIL blocks imams from Fallujah mosques to read the Koran

داعش ترتكب جرائم ضد عشائر الدليمFallujah (IraqiNews.com) On Saturday, a police source in Anbar province revealed that the elements of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in Fallujah prevented the imams from entering mosques, and not to read the Koran, while prevented people from setting up obituary for their dead.

The source said, in an interview for IraqiNews.com, that “The elements of ISIL prevented imams from entering mosques after the violation of many of these imams through reading The Koran before or after the Friday prayers, “noting that” the organization of ISIL considered that as a fad. ”

The source, who asked not to be named, said: “The organization of ISIL prevent people from establishing boards of funeral for their dead who were killed as a result of the shelling on the city,” adding that “ISIL also restricted the movement of the markets at the city.”