Saturday, September 21, 2024


2 Peshmerga officers killed, injured northeast Baquba

2 Peshmerga officers killed, injured northeast Baquba

Diyala ( An officer from the Peshmerga Kurdish forces was killed while his colleague was injured due to armed clashes with the terrorist groups in Jalawla district of northeast Baquba. Security source reported to “Heavy clashes erupted between the Peshmerga forces and the terrorist elements of the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant in Tajneed neighborhood of central Jalawla district (60 km) to the northeast Baquba city in Diyala province on Tuesday,” noting that “The clashes resulted in killing an officer with Captian rank and injuring another with Lieutenant rank.” “The Peshmerga forces managed to re-control most of the areas in Jalawla district,” the source added. /End/