Friday, September 20, 2024


Photos: ISIS terrorists ban and destroy cigarettes in Mosul

Mosul ( The pictures, taken from one of the accounts of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in Mosul, showed the process of destruction of large quantities of cigarettes.

This account posted on Twitter the pictures of the burning of large quantities of cigarettes by what he called the security elements of the Islamic state of Nineveh.

The images showed the booking process of large quantities of cigarettes in Mosul, they were packaged in pickups.

In another picture we read the phrase “material transfer forbidden to destroy.”

Another picture shows one element of ISIS raised the flag of the so-called Islamic State, written underneath comment: God help us to fight the taboo.

In the flamboyant image, we see the fire in a pile of cigarette packs and there is a comment: “Praise be to God that used us to rescue people from the doom one to Hell.”