Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIL’s Baiji commander, a former Iraqi Army colonel killed

Baiji, Tikrit ( The fight against terrorism has claimed the life of Khamiss Mohsen Farhan, a military commander for the terrorist organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant who was a former Iraqi Army colonel in the area of Baiji, north of Tikrit.

An Iraqi Army spokesman, Sabah Numan said, in an interview for, that “a group of security forces who protect the Baiji refinery (40 km north of Tikrit) was able to, this afternoon, to kill the terrorist, Khamiss Mohsen Farhan, a military commander for the organization of ISIL in Baiji area.”

Numan added that “Farhan is a former officer in the Iraqi army, the rank of colonel.”