Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Iraqi Red Crescent Society distributes aid to displaced christain families in Nineveh

Iraqi-Red-Crescent-SocietyBaghdad ( The Iraqi Red Crescent Society assured that more than 200 Christian families from the city of Mosul have been displaced after they were threatened by terrorist gangs of the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant.The Assistant Secretary General of the Red Crescent Mohammed al-Khozai said in a statement received by All of Iraq [] “More than 200 Christian families fled Mosul today from the center of the City towards the suburbs.””The Iraqi Red Crescent Recorded displacement of more than 150 families from Mosul to Hamdania district while 50 other families have arrived to Burtalla district,” he added, stressing that “The ISIL have robbed the properties of the displaced families during their escape from Mosul.” “These displaced families have been distributed on churches and houses of their relatives while the Red Crescent started distributing aid among them,” Khozai mentioned. /End/