Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Australia’s first suicide bomber reportedly kills at least 5 people in Baghdad


Baghdad ( An Australian man is believed to be responsible for a suicide bombing that killed at least five people and injured 90 in Baghdad on Thursday, marking the incident as the first committed by an Australian in Iraq.

The Islamic State of Iraq, dubbed a terrorist group by the Australian government, reported via Twitter that a man called Abu Bakr al-Australi detonated explosives in a market place in the heart of the Iraq city.

‘Abu Bakr Al Australi may Allah accept him targets a Shiite temple the Militias use as HQ & Kills and injures 90 militiamen,’ the original tweet read.

A statement released by the terrorist group, refereed to the man as a ‘hero’ and a ‘martyr’.

A man naming himself AbuHafs D Australian on Twitter, confirmed the report saying: ‘Abu Bakr al-Australi (the Australian) had detonated explosives in a vest he was wearing near the mosque.’

Subsequent reports by Al-Jazeera, issued a different account of the events in which the news-agency quoted a local police officer who claimed that the explosives had been hidden on a wooden cart. /End/