Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Popular uprising to expel ISIL began in Mosul after destruction Yunus (Jonah’s) Shrine – Nineveh Governor

Nineveh Governor Ethyl al-Nujaifi. File photo.
Nineveh Governor Ethyl al-Nujaifi. File photo.

Mosul ( On Sunday, the Governor of Nineveh Ethyl Najafi confirmed the start of a popular uprising against the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant initiated by the murder of four members of the terrorist organization in the city, pointing out that several factions are fed up with the actions of ISIL.

“After the bombing of the shrine of the prophet Younis, people moved against ISIL”. Najafi added that ”they are local groups, their goal is to regain Mosul and expel the outsiders.”

Nujaifi said, in an interview for, that “a popular uprising actually began against ISIL yesterday. There are battalions formed by the people of Mosul to fight against the terrorist organization,” pointing out that “The military actions of Mosul’s people, yesterday, resulted in the killing of four elements of ISIL, one in the neighborhood of Sumer, another one in the neighborhood of al-Bakr and two in the street Najafi. ”

Last Friday,  the Imam of Arahma mosque in Mosul, Sheikh Riad Wasif Ghurairy, said that the terrorist gangs from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant flogged 23 young men who lead demonstrators who criticized the bombing of the shrine of the Prophet Yunus which reported yesterday: