Tuesday, September 24, 2024


UN bans oil purchases from ISIL and Al Nasra terrorist groups

Security Council Meeting
Security Council Meeting – File photo.

(IraqiNews.com) On Monday the United Nations Security Council supported Russia’s initiative to ban the purchase of oil from the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and the organization of Nasra in Iraq and Syria.

The Security Council said, in a joint statement, that “buying oil from groups such as the organization of the Islamic state and the organization of Nasra, which are fighting in Iraq and Syria, could lead to the imposition of sanctions,” adding that “such transactions constitute financial support for terrorists and could lead to the imposition of further sanctions.”

The Council added that “the control of the oil facilities could provide material income for terrorists that will support their efforts to recruit fighters, foreign terrorists and strengthening the operational abilities to organize and launch terrorist attacks.

The council’s statement pointed out that “the oil trade with militants is a violation of UN resolutions and that all States shall ensure that its citizens or any person on its territory will not buy the oil from these entities.”