Saturday, September 21, 2024


1,737 Iraqis killed, 1,978 injured by terrorism and violence in July 2014 according to the UN

UNAMI casualty figures for July 2014Baghdad ( According to casualty figures released today by UNAMI, a total of at least 1,737 Iraqis were killed and another 1,978 were injured in acts of terrorism and violence in July*.

The number of civilians killed was 1,186 (including 106 civilian police), while the number of civilians injured was 1,511 (including 177 civilian police). A further 551 members of the Iraqi Security Forces, including Peshmerga and SWAT, were killed and 467 were injured (not including casualties from Anbar operation).

“I am concerned about the rising number of casualties in Iraq, particularly among the civilian population. Children and women are most vulnerable. All sides should ensure that civilians are protected and that international humanitarian law is respected”, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq, Mr. Nickolay Mladenov said.

“Despite the continuing fighting, politicians have shown that they can work together in choosing the new President and the new Speaker of the Council of Representative. It is time that they move forward on the creation of a new government that can address the root causes of violence in Iraq and ensure equitable development for all communities”, Mr. Mladenov added.

Anbar excluded, Baghdad was the worst affected Governorate with 1,035 civilian casualties (415 killed, 620 injured), followed by Salahadin (305 killed, 289 injured), Ninewa (209 killed, 270 injured), Kirkuk (68 killed, 127 injured), Babil (77 killed, 72 injured) and Diyala (71 killed, 66 injured).

*CAVEATS: Data do not take into account casualties of the current IA operation in Anbar, for which we report at the bottom the figures received by our sources.

Security Incidents

UNAMI recorded a minimum 400 security incidents in different parts of Iraq. Among these incidents, are included 62 incidents by air attack caused a minimum of 823 casualties killed and injured. 30 incidents caused by vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED) and suicide vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (SVBIED), which caused a minimum of 535 casualties killed and injured. 78 incidents using improvised explosive devices (IEDs) caused a minimum of 322 civilian casualties killed and injured. 67 incidents with small arms fire (SAF) caused a minimum of 141 casualties killed and injured.

Operations in Anbar

Due to official holidays of Eid-ul-Fitr, UNAMI was not able to obtain casualty figures from Ramadi and other areas of Anbar. UNAMI was only able to obtain the figures for Fallujah from the General Hospital of Fallujah; the total civilian casualties in Fallujah up to 30 July inclusive were 132 killed and 421 injured. UNAMI will publish the figures for Ramadi as soon as they are available.