Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT: Army kills 200 ISIL terrorists attemtping to sieze checkpoints in Jarf Asakhr, Babylon

i( On Friday, according to a police source in the province of Babylon, the Army Airforce was able to foil a large attack on a checkpoint in the area of ​​Jarf Asakhr in the Musayyib district northern of the province, noting that the operation resulted the killing of 200 Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant fighteres.

The source said, in an interview for, that “elements of ISIL took over the military neighborhood, in the area of Jarf Asakhr (35 km north of Babylon), in order to attack checkpoints of the army and the federal police along the area between Jarf Asakhr and the district of Musayyib. ”

The source, who asked not to be named, said: “the Army Aviation observed a gathering of thirty elements of ISIL and bombed them, which result the killing 200 element.”