Monday, September 23, 2024


URGENT: King of Saudi Arabia denounces ISIL terrorists as targeting Arabism & Islam says Ministry of Iraqi Foreign Affairs

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia.
Baghdad ( The Ministry of Iraqi Foreign Affairs received the speech of His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz King of Saudi Arabia on the first of the month of August in which he announced openly that it is defective and a shame that these [ISIL] terrorists are killing the soul that God has forbidden to kill, and proud to publish them, all in the name of religion, and religion innocent of them and they distorted the image of Islam and humanity and clarity and plastered in it all the bad qualities by their actions and their insolence and fresh crimes.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by Iraqi News cited “The Iraqi Foreign Ministry paying tribute to this position and would like to confirm that the suffering of Iraq and the region from the terrorist attack led by “Daash” [also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] targeting Arabism and Islam, and that terrorism is taking different forms of groups and organizations under the nose of the international community and all institutions and organizations, as if what is happening to kill and displace and the targeting of places of worship and religious minorities in Iraq and the region and flagrant violations of human rights and crimes against humanity is not meant.”

“Therefore Iraq demands that countries of the world, especially the Arab and the Islamic world, condemn the terrorist acts committed against the innocent citizens, clear and explicit condemnation, by the terrorists of Daash and al-Qaeda and armed groups that fall under its umbrella and stand united in order to dry up the sources of terrorism and condemn the countries that support them.

The ministry also welcomes all the efforts to combat terrorism and extremism, referring that Iraq was a pioneer in the organization of the international conference to combat terrorism, which was held in Baghdad for the period of March 12 and the 13 of 2014 to be activated to serve the region and the world in defeating terrorism,” the statement concluded.