Sunday, September 29, 2024


Abadi began forming new government immediately after his designation as Prime Minister

The designated Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi.
The designated Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi.

Baghdad ( The Information Office of the designated Prime Minister, Haider Abadi revealed on Wednesday that Abadi began consultations to form a new government since the time he was initially given the mandate to do so by Iraqi President Fuad Masum.

The office said, in a statement received by, that “Abadi began consultations to form a ministerial cabinet since the early hours of the assignment.”

The office added that “al-Abadi is currently busy of the formation of a ministerial cabinet and the preparation of the government program, in agreement with the rest of the political blocs.”

The office pointed out that “Abadi is making efforts to create a strong government that depends on the competence, integrity and contributes to saving the country from the crisis and the problems, which they are facing the security and the political levels.”

Iraqi President Fuad Masum had commissioned Abadi on Monday to form a new government to end the rule of Nuri al-Maliki, which lasted eight years.