Saturday, September 21, 2024


17 million of 31.7 million Iraqis affected by violence, says United Nations

17 million of 31.7 million affected by voilance, says UNAMIBaghdad ( A statement by UNAMI on the On World Humanitarian Day confirmed that 17 million of 31.7 million are affected by voilance (53.7% of total population).

The statement added “Population of affected Governorates: Anbar, Ninewa, Salah Al-Din, Diyala, Kirkuk, Baghdad and Babel (53.7% of total population of Iraq).”

“1.5 million is the estimated number of people in need of humanitarian aid (4.7% of the total population, including host communities),” the statement continued.

“1.2 million people are currently displaced (3.8% of total population) while 1 million people are targeted for humanitarian aid (3.2% of total population),” the statement mentioned.

“These numbers do not include the ‘previous case load’ of approximately one million people displaced by the previous conflict in Iraq, nor refugees from Syria,” the statement concluded.