Tuesday, September 24, 2024


On World Humanitarian Day, UNAMI renews its Commitment to Relieve Plight of displaced

On World Humanitarian Day, UNAMI renews its Commitment to Relieve Plight of displaced

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) “Today, 19 August, as we remember our fallen colleagues who perished in an attack on the UN Headquarters in Baghdad 11 years ago, we must also pay tribute to the countless national and international humanitarian workers in Iraq who continue to face danger and adversity to bring lifesaving assistance to those in need, and remember their sacrifices”, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Nickolay Mladenov said.

“More than ever this year, as violence and daily fighting remain sadly widespread, uprooting hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, killing and maiming thousands others, Iraqis count on humanitarian workers for their very survival”, Mr. Mladenov added. “Internally Displaced People are among the most vulnerable”, he noted, underlining that “they are traumatized and frightened, homeless and homesick, struggling for survival and dignity, at risk of gender-based violence”. “On this occasion, I renew the commitment of the United Nations family in Iraq to redouble efforts to ensure protection and support to those Iraqis seeking refuge within the borders of their own country”, Mr. Mladenov declared, calling on the Government and the humanitarian community to also step up their efforts to alleviate their suffering”. “Our ongoing work, today, here in Iraq, is the best possible tribute to those who perished eleven years ago, and the best recognition of the humanitarian workers’ contribution to alleviate the suffering of those who had their lives torn apart,” he concluded. /End/