Sunday, September 22, 2024


URGENT: Indian workers protest unpaid salaries, threaten to burn Sports City of Basra

05.04.2013 © engineer uday
Exterior of Basra Stadium in Sports City. Image credit – Engineer Uday

Basra ( On Monday, the Directorate of Sports in the province of Basra indicated that dozens of Indian workers employed in Sports City protested for not receiving their salaries, noting that the workers had threatened to burn the city if it fails to respond to their demands, while confirming that the case does not belong to the Directorate.

The Director of Youth and Sport of Basra, Walid al-Moussawi said, in an interview for, that “the Indian workers who are employing in the city’s sports protested for not getting their salaries,” indicating that “the workers threatened to burn the Sports city in case of the failure to respond to their demands.”

Al-Moussawi said that “the case does not belong to the Directorate of the youth in Basra or the Ministry of Youth and Sports; it is squeezed between the workers and the company executing the project,” adding that “the threat of burning the Sports city doesn’t make any concern because it is secured with sufficient protections.”