Monday, September 23, 2024


Saudi King: Terrorism will spread to Europe in 1 month, America in 2 months

The Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz
The Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz

( On Saturday, the Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz warned about the spread of terrorism affecting other countries if all possibilities are not used to address it quickly, while assuring that this terrorism will arrive after a month to Europe and after two months to America.

CNN quoted the Saudi monarch as saying, after receiving the credentials of a number of ambassadors, that “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the first which called for the fight against terrorism, that  must be treated quickly,” calling on the international community to “take swift action to counter it.”

Abdul Aziz warned of  “the risk of inaction to deal with terrorism,” pointing to the need to “meet this appeal with speed and solutions.”

The Saudi monarch stressed that “this terrorism will arrive after a month to Europe and after two months to America.”

The Saudi monarch’s comments coincided with the announcement of the United Kingdom to raise its terrorism threat alert from “substantial” to “severe,” the fourth highest of five levels, in response to events in Iraq and Syria, where ISIS terrorists have seized large swaths of territory.