Friday, September 27, 2024


URGENT: 23 Chechens killed in Sulaiman Bek district, east of Tikrit, Iraq

ISIS Chechen fighters. File photo.
ISIS Chechen fighters. File photo.

Tikrit ( On Monday, Iraq’s counter-terrorism office announced the killing of 23 fighters of Chechen nationality who belong to the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, in Sulaiman Bek district, east of Tikrit.

Sabah Numan, a counter-terrorism unit spokesman said in an interview for that, “Elite counter-terrorism forces managed to kill 23 Chechens today; they were fighting among the organization of ISIS in the area of Sulaiman in Tuz district (90 km east of Tikrit).”

Numan added, that “Among the dead were 10 snipers; they were concentrated in there. On Monday, government counter-terrorism units cleansing Sulaiman Bek from ISIS fully.”