Friday, September 20, 2024


Paramiltiary forces to be denied entry into Nineveh Province says Governor

The Governor of Nineveh province, Ethel Nujaifi.
The Governor of Nineveh province, Ethel Nujaifi.

Nineveh ( On Tuesday the Governor of Nineveh Province Province, Atheel al-Nujaifi, stated that his governorate will not permit entry to any armed paramiltiary force to the province except for the central government’s Police and Armed Forces.

Al-Nujaifi, in his statement to, said “We will not allow entrance of any armed troops to the city of Mosul unless linked with the Iraqi Army.”

Al-Nujaifi also said that is a higher priority for US airstrikes to target ISIS supplies before they reach militants instead of hitting ISIS headquarters which are based in cities and surrounded by the houses of civilians.

He also pointed out that he seeks to replace the head of the security committee within the Governorate Council. Earlier, the president of the security committee moved to Baghdad and all attempts to communicate with him were lost, moreover, Iraq has witnessed a decline in security levels since Jun 10 when the state of emergency was declared by the government to fight against the ISIS terrorist organization.

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