Saturday, September 21, 2024


Canada hails Kurdistan Region’s fight against ISIS, provides $22 million USD aid for refugees sheltering in Kurdistan Region

Canada flagErbil ( On Thursday, the Canadian Foreign Minister, John Baird affirmed his country’s support for Kurdistan Region in its war against “terrorism”, while noting that Canada has provided 22 million dollars to help displaced Iraqis.

Canadian Foreign Minister, John Baird said in a press conference, today, with the President of the Presidium of Kurdistan Region, Fouad Hussein, in Erbil attended by, “Canadia will continue  its support of the Kurdistan Region and the Peshmerga forces in the war against terrorism”, expressing at the same time “the appreciation of his country to Kurdistan’s efforts to confront the organization of the Islamic State and sheltering the displaced.”

Baird added that his government “has provided 7 million dollars for the displaced,” pointing out that Canada “has allocated earlier the amount of 15 million dollars to help displaced Iraqis.”

For his part, the Chairman of the Presidium of the region praised “Canada’s role in the provision of military assistance to the Kurdistan Region,” noting at the same time to the “need for large quantities of weapons,” adding that the Kurdistan region “is fighting a terrorist state.”