Saturday, September 21, 2024


Obama plans anti-ISIS coalition of 40 countries, sends Kerry to Middle East

US Secretary of State, John Kerry.
US Secretary of State, John Kerry. File photo.

( On Monday, the American State Department announced that the Secretary of State, John Kerry will travel to the Middle East on Tuesday with an itinerary that includes Jordan and Saudi Arabia, in order to build an international coalition to confront the fighters of the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

The American State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf explained that more than forty countries will be sought to participate in a coalition to fight against the extremist group ISIS, who control large swathes of Iraq and Syria.

President Obama will deliver a speech to Americans on Wednesday to introduce his plan to confront the organization ISIS, while attempting to assuage concerns that this plan would move the USA toward another full-scale war in Iraq.