Saturday, September 21, 2024


URGENT: Italy willing to strike ISIS in Iraq with air support

0Y( On Tuesday, Italy expressed its willingness to engage its air force to bomb sites of the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq in case it is requested by the Iraqi government to do that.

The Italian Secretary of Defense, Roberta Pinotti, said in an interview that “her country is ready to provide some of its air forces to contribute to the bombing of special sites of ISIS in Iraq,” adding that “we have not been asked yet so far. The Italian contribution is limited at the present time to supply Iraq and Kurdish Peshmerga fighters with light weapons.”

The Italian Pinotti that “if the contribution of our aircraft in Iraq prevents the  aggression, thenit is necessary to have the courage to take the decision to involve our air power to do so”, noting that “Italy has not decided at this stage to participate in the bombardment in Iraq. If I should make a decision on this matter I’m going to do so because I am the secretary of defense.”