Saturday, September 21, 2024


Most Americans support arming Kurdish Peshmerga forces, air strikes against ISIS

A survey conducted by the Washington Post newspaper and ABC News station revealed that the majority of Americans unprecedentedly support American air assaults in Iraq and Syria against the organization of the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria because it is considered a “serious” threat to American interests. The poll emphasized the increasing proportion of supporters to arm Kurdish Peshmerga forces in the fight against ISIS.

The poll showed that the majority of Americans believe terrorists of the Islamic State pose a serious threat to the vital interests of America, and they support air strikes launched by U.S. aircraft in Iraq and Syria.

According to the survey, 71% of Americans say that they support the air strikes in Iraq in the index of the increase of the percentage which was up to 54% just three weeks ago, and less than 45% in June.

The survey pointed out that among those who said that President Barack Obama is very cautious in dealing with international issues, 82% of them supported the air strikes. 66% of those, who said that the style of Obama in dealing with the foreign policy is quite good, support the air strikes.

The survey also revealed an increase in the ratio of supporters to arm the Peshmerga forces in the fight against militants ISIS. 58% of those who polled supported doing so, compared to the previous month, which was only 45%.