Tuesday, September 24, 2024


URGENT: ISIS releases 12 Christians abducted a month ago in Mosul

The house of a Christian family seized by the organization ISIS in Mosul
The house of a Christian family seized by the organization ISIS in Mosul.

Mosul (IraqiNews.com) On Tuesday sources in the Patriarchate of Chaldeans in Iraq indicated that ISIS gunmen released 12 Christians that were detained by the organization since more than a month ago, after it seized control over Christian areas located to the east of the city of Mosul in Nineveh province.

The German news agency quoted sources that “the released Christians have been delivered near the west of the city of Kirkuk, after obtaining the approvals; they were inducted into the city of Kirkuk, where they were met with a number of young members of the church in Kirkuk.”

The agency added that “all those who have been released from the people of  Bartella (15 km east of Mosul), except for a woman who is from the people of Sinjar,” indicating that “a car was equipped to take them to the city of Arbil, near their families.”